April 11, 2009

Angelina Jolie's love for Bob Thornton and he also cancled Canada

When Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie fight, she turns to her ex-husband, Billy Bob Thornton and that makes Brad furious, a report from in Touch Weekly claims. "She calls and texts every other day," the friend reveals. "Angie says Billy Bob always knows what to say, and she gets off the phone happier."

The report adds that Angelina also tells pals how much she loves Billy Bob - right in front of Brad. While all of that is a cute mixture of Hollywood extended family and ex husbands, wives, lovers and blood vial wearers it might be Billy Bob Thornton that needs some advice from Jolie.

The wannabe musician pulled off his best job acting in a while as he played the part of an ass in Canada during a radio interview. Thornton does not want to be referred to as an actor anymore (anyone that wasted over ten minutes on "The Astronaut Farmer" might agree) and wants those that interview him to follow specific questions easy enough for Billy Bob to wrap his mind around. In other words pre-screened questions hand selected by the group. 

Billy Bob Thornton and his band, the Boxmasters, have nixed the last two dates of their Canadian tour after their guitarist and several crew members caught the flu.

The announcement came a day after the band was booed on stage in Toronto for bizarre comments the actor/musician made during a trainwreck of interview with a Canadian reporter.

During the Q&A, Thornton appeared confused, was belligerent with the host and said Canadian fans were like "mashed potatoes but no gravy."

The Boxmasters are opening up for Willie Nelson and will resume touring April 14 back on U.S. soil in Connecticut.

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