April 4, 2009

Jessica Biel plays single-mom stripper character in “Powder Blue”

While most actors have to slog hard for the roles they play, American actress Jessica Biel has shown that some roles come naturally.

Actress Jessica Biel is starring in the upcoming film “Powder Blue” as a single-mom stripper. She is now discussing the research and training she did for the role.

“Powder Blue” is a movie about four Los Angeles residents, one being Biel’s stripper character. To prepare for the role, Biel took on a number of challenges, including learning how to strip.

Actress Jessica Biel admits preparing for her upcoming role in 'Powder Blue' was more difficult than she ever imagined.Biel also spent two months in intense character immersion to get ready for the part. As a devout method actor, Biel wanted to live the life of a stripper.

Biel started by borrowing her friend’s infant child to care for on her own. “It really taught me how it is to be a single parent with no support structure,” said Biel. She had instructed friends and family to shun her and never answer her phone calls. Any personal interactions had to be steeped in silent disapproval on their part.

Movi review:

Biel said, “This was a real learning experience for me. I have so much respect for all the exotic dancers I met along the way. You wouldn’t believe how many of them are putting themselves through medical school!”

The film, which also has Patrick Swayze, Forest Whitaker and Lisa Kudrow starring in it, is about a mortician, an ex-con, a suicidal ex-priest and a stripper brought together on Christmas Eve by a mixture of circumstance.

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